There are designs that speak by themselves and this one, without a doubt, is one of them.

Architeture firm @fath.arch.studio / Design by @amirhbb_3d / Source: @design_interior_homes
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Are you thinking of selling your home? At Buy. Sell. Live. Northwest, powered by John L. Scott, we have friendly Agents on hand to assist you every step of the way.
Presentation, Promotion, and Pricing
Getting your home sold quickly is an important factor in getting you top dollar. We use a combination of neighborhood-specific knowledge, buyer trends, and the latest market analysis technology to provide you with the most accurate pricing recommendation.
Communication is Key
Behind every successful transaction lies one important ingredient; communication. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way with feedback of your property and changes to the market that may impact your listing, it is our goal to keep you updated every step of the way.
Contact us for a Comparative Market Analysis and Listing Presentation
Buy. Sell. Live. Northwest
Office Phone: (425) 949-8434
